Happy Tuesday!
Goodness gracious I love being a mama, sometimes I still can’t believe I am. It blows my mind that God had this beautiful perfect little gift waiting for us, and now we get to play with her!
Mamahood has a been a wild ride thus far, and I know it will only continue to get wilder, crazier, but also richer. It started out hard, to be honest. Harder than I thought, but thankfully with time and a lot of grace I have started to feel pure joy and peace.
That being said, here’s my top 20 things I love about being a mama:
- Nursing her, and holding her close. Not much about her birth story was what we prayed for, but thankfully breastfeeding has been a joy. I told our pediatrician I wanted to nurse until she goes to college. I was only half joking… 😉
- Talking to her about Jesus
- Playing “what did God make” when we go on walks
- Playing with hair. I love running it through my fingers.
- When she stops nursing and just looks up at me with the sweetest expression
- When she hugs me tight after I pick her up from the nursery at church or Bible study
- When she crawls into my lap while we are playing in the floor
- Watching her play, especially when she “talks” while she plays by herself.
- Watching her explore. Baby girl loves to crawl and get into everything, every corner. Her new thing is looking under the furniture!
- Taking pictures of her. Y’all she seriously loves having her picture taken, as long at it doesn’t go on too long…which it always does!
- The way her little hands feel when she lays them on my hand or leg
- Singing to her. She doesn’t know I can’t sing! 🙂
- Watching her play in crib from the video monitor when she’s “down for a nap.”
- Reading to her
- Watching her play with Daisy May (her big puppy sister)
- When she starts dancing when she hears music
- Sewing little outfits for her
- Watching her learn new things…most recently K taught her how to turn the light switch on and off
- When she wants to keep an eye on me or watches everything I do. It helps keep me focused on setting a good example.
- Having fun “conversations” when we are in the car!
There’s a ton more things I love about being a mama! I know with each new day something will be added to the list, but these are my favorites right now!
What are you favorite things about being a mama?!
xoxo, Tamara
I have always loved being a mama but constant blessings began the first moment I held you. I loved watching you grow from infant to the strong, beautiful woman you are today. I love the man God put in your life, and the spiritual guidance you both share. I’m so proud of you both! I’m also very blessed to share in the joy of Kerrington. So very blessed! I’m so thankful that I’m your mama. I love you Tamara, and I think you are a GREAT MAMA!!!
This melts my heart! I share so many sentiments with you too, friend. Especially the nursing one. Sending prayers your way tonight xoxo