So I am almost done reading Cultivate for 1.75 time! I say 1.75 because I was humbled to be part of the launch team and was granted an advanced digital copy to read and review prior to it being available. I read through almost all all of it before my hard copy that I ordered came in, and now it is chock full of notes and underlining, just like a really good life giving book should be. My Bible looks the same. Over 10 years of notes on each tissue thin page.
Did you know that while man penned the Bible, each word is God-breathed. When I have my Bible out with Kerrington around I always say, “this is God’s Word, and everything in it is true.”
What I love about Lara Casey’s book Cultivate is that it’s God’s story as well, and she is so humble throughout each page to give Him the grace and honor.
Lara takes us on a journey through some really difficult seasons in her life where she is raw and honest, and how she sought God’s Will to weather the storms and find peace in the heartache that we all face in some form.
What makes Cultivate so special for me is that she relates all the difficulty, beauty, growing, stretching, weeding, and fruitfulness to her garden. She shares that she is an unlikely gardener, but with God’s grace and mercy she has become a master gardener both with a bounty of fruits, veggies, and flowers, but also in a cultivated joy-filled life that she tends to daily.
One of my favorite quotes from Cultivate is on page 75, “You have no idea how the seeds you plant today will sprout and grow long after you are gone.” – Lara Casey
K and I have been working through Nancy Ray’s Guide to Building a Legacy, so this jumped out to me because what we do now no matter how small, matters.
Throughout Cultivate, Lara includes “cultivate it” sections, where she encourages us with questions focused on digging deep into the dirt that we may have in our life, and planting just one seed at a time. Slow and steady. A little bit adds up.
One of my favorite “cultivate it” sections is on page 73 where Lara pushes us to define and write out what our cultivated life would look life. My mind started going wild with what living a cultivated life would look like for me. I could barely write complete sentences and before I was done with one thought another would come, this must be what the inside of my mind looks like.
If I sow teeny seeds today, tend to them and nourish them so they can grow and flourish, here is what my cultivated life would like:
It would be days that start and end with laughter and prayer.
It would be loving the Lord with every fiber of my being and trying to grasp whole heartedly just what Jesus did on the cross for me, and you.
It would be slow dancing with Kason while breath life into each other’s heart to reconnect without even needing to say a word.
It looks like teaching Kerrington life lessons every day in fun and encouraging ways.
It’s intentional time with Kason one-on-one in the evenings praying together, reading God’s Word, asking meaningful questions that lead to rich conversation.
It’s courting each other and flirting with one another.
It would be moving my body everyday to keep it healthy and active.
It sounds like giggles and squeals from tickle monster fights.
It looks like dance parties in the kitchen to Disney music.
It is chasing each other round and round the dining table/kitchen island with Kerrington laughing hysterically.
It is shepherding Kerrington’s heart to love Jesus.
It looks much different from the world’s standard and more like God’s standards.
It is a home that is decorated with purposeful and intentional pieces that tell our story.
It is bright white and colorful at the same time. Both literally and figuratively.
It’s a whole lot of home cooking for our family and hopefully neighbors and extended family.
It looks like not being afraid of change.
It’s trusting in the Lord to keep us safe and protected and not allowing the enemy to put fear in my heart.
It’s being bold enough to tell strangers about Jesus without fear of what they will think.
It’s continuing to memorize new scriptures and often reciting them aloud to keep them fresh on my mind, heart, and tongue so I can speak God’s life giving words to Kason, Kerrington, and family and friends.
It’s loving without borders.
It’s a life-giving home that has laughter, messes, discipline, respect and a whole lot of love.
There ya have it friends! I’m sure I could go on and on. I encourage you, friend, to get a copy of Cultivate and use it to start sowing the seeds you want to grow into a joyful harvest.
Until next time!
xoxo, Tamara
Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher. I was under no obligation to offer a positive review, I honestly and genuinely believe you should get Cultivate, read it, and start growing your cultivated life too!