Happy, happy Monday y’all!
We have some exciting news today for TMD! We are introducing Tamara Menges Lifestyle, TML! Yippee!!
What does this mean? Well it essentially means lots more blog posts! TML isn’t a new business, just an extension of TMD, and we couldn’t be more excited about it!
Same website, same blog, but LOTS more content on everyday life. We have lots of brainstorming happening for posts dealing with topics such as marriage, interior design projects, how-to’s of all kinds, fitness, and recipes to name just a tidbit of what we will be sharing in the coming months!
Don’t worry though! TMD isn’t going anywhere, we are still crazy about weddings and creating beautiful floral, but TML will give us the chance to share much more content and hopefully reach more readers (hey, hey, hey!!)
So do us a favor will ya?! Comment below some topics you would like us to cover and/or tell your friends about us!
Are y’all excited?! ‘Cause we are!
xoxo, Tamara