Hi guys,

We have one life. I’ve always heard this phrase, and obviously understood it. I’ve even been inspired by the words on a print that was hand-lettered and popped up on my pinterest newsfeed, which I promptly pinned to my “my style” board.

But it’s never really taken a hold of my core. The deepest part of me where all inhibitions are lost. Where fear is a mere emotion only felt by others around me, but never by me.

That is until now.

For so many of us, life is lived in routine. We only take calculated risks if we take any. We love just enough to ensure that if we are ever broken we feel we could eventually pick up the pieces. We live with walls that guard our hearts, and we live on our terms and our timing.

I am convinced, however, that God has more for us. A fuller life where life without fear is possible. A life where routine is for the lost, not the saved because we live each day for Him. A life where our heart is bigger to love those around us like He loves us.

I’m on a journey to live this life. The one God planned especially just for me. To tap into that core where there are no inhibitions and certainly no fear. To feel and show love that can move mountains.

I refuse to live a life where chapters are edited and cut-out because I don’t have the time, the money, or think that I don’t have the knowledge, skill, or capacity to achieve a certain goal.

“Jesus looked at them and said. “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Here’s to the unabridged version. Every word, feeling, and action that God planned for me, nothing to be cut out.

xoxo, Tamara