Happy Monday!
Can y’all believe that April starts tomorrow?! Goodness me! I’m really excited about a photo shoot thats goin’ down at a gorgeous River Oaks home in Houston with Alicia Pyne Photography and Two Be Wed, but more on that later!
So the word intimacy…what does it mean to you? If you’re a girl reading you probably think of it as “closeness” like me, but if you’re a guy you may go straight to “sex” in your mind like Kason. 🙂
I’m a pretty private person when it comes to this part of our marriage, but I think to avoid this topic as part of Marriage Monday would be doing a disservice to the series as all marriages need intimacy in order to survive the storms in life before the rainbows have the opportunity to peek out from the clouds; even if I am a little uncomfortable being a little Christian girl who’s not “supposed” to talk about it.
Lately, I have been working really hard to change how I think about the intimacy K and I share. To think of it more so in terms of why God created it for us. Being raised in a Southern Baptist home, an obviously very conservative atmosphere, I remember hearing it was wrong, wrong, wrong, especially outside of marriage. So then I grew up and we got married, but I still occasionally battled with it even though I knew it was no longer wrong.
I sometimes struggled with feeling unladylike, dirty, you name it. There was even a point I couldn’t even fathom being intimate on Sundays because it was SUNDAY! It was a sin to even think about it that day! It’s funny to think about now, but why? I realize now that I associated it with the world around me. Our culture had severely distorted my view of what it should be like. I knew what was in the movies, even t.v. shows, really everywhere around me was wrong so how could it possibly be a good thing?
Did you know that there is blazing intimacy is in the Bible? (Open up Song of Solomon for some serious note-worthy poetry…hello!)
Have you ever thought of it being created for us; that our bodies were designed to experience it in a way that would make you want to climb Mount Everest to shout from the top, even a little ‘ole Christian girl like me who grew up in heart of the “Bible belt”?!
So I prayed for God to change how I thought about it, my heart and attitude changed. We strengthen our ability to honor each other and strengthen our marriage by learning how we each define intimacy. We strive everyday to grow closer and meet each other’s intimate needs.
“I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.” – Song of Solomon 7:10
Xoxo, Tamara
So good Tamara!! Thank you for sharing. Means a lot to my newlywed self.