Happy Monday!
Whew! I’m a little late today on getting this posted, this past weekend was crazy awesome with 3 events all with Two Be Wed, but a 12 hour night of sleep does a body good!
Today we are chatting about problem solving, how we make things happen more efficiently through working together to figure out a better solution, and through being kind to each other when we disagree about said better solution.
Newsflash! Kason and I are different people, just as I am guessing you and your significant other are too, but God brought us together for His plan so it’s up to us to work on problem-solving techniques so we can continue on with marital bliss when problems do inevitably arise.
I used to be adamant about “knowing best”, I knew my way was the best way regardless of what it was so when Kason didn’t always agree it drove me crazy. However, through studying in the Word and learning so much through BSF (Bible Study Fellowship- an international year long Bible study!) I have (thankfully!) since changed my attitude about certain situations and know that K will have a much better solution, or we work together by figuring it out.
I now make a point to ask him how he wants to do something. This could be anything like ways for saving money each month or how to pack the trailer with inventory for weddings, I try really hard for decisions to be a collaboration between the two of us.
A great recent example of our problem solving was a recent wedding we had in Round Top where K hung tons and tons of eucalyptus around track lighting. I initially was going to have him hand wire all of it sideways along the tracking, but as soon as he started he got the idea to make bundles (which we called teepees!) of eucalyptus with zip ties and separate the pieces to then to sit them on top of the track lighting for them hang down below. K’s way made for a much more visually pleasing use of the eucalyptus.
Moral of the story: K’s way = about 2-3 hours of time… My way = most likely all day and then some.
Happy Monday y’all! How do y’all problem solve?! I’d love to hear!
xoxo, Tamara