Happy Tuesday y’all!

In the south we love our sweet tea and lemonade, so the other day when I got a hankerin’ for some fresh lemonade I knew I had to dig out a wedding gift that means a lot to me. A juicer, the old-timey kind y’all! The kind where you have to “put some muscle” in it to get any juice.

My Aunt Fae gave us a juicer that they used on their farm in North Dakota when my dad and his siblings were young. I hadn’t used it until now, and couldn’t believe how good it felt to use something that my dad used so long ago! I felt connected to him and my aunt Fae who are both in Heaven now.

IMG_6689Here’s the recipe I made up:

7 Fresh Lemons

1 Bunch of Fresh Mint (I hope later in the summer to use both of these from our own garden!)

1  3/4- 2 cups of sugar (start with less, sweeten to taste- I also want to try with Stevia)

3-4 cups of water (again start with less, and add to taste- depending on lemon strength you desire)


After juicing the lemons and picking out the seeds, I put everything in our food processor. There may be a better way, but I used what I had!

Then I strained everything to remove small bits mint, but there were still some teensy pieces of mint left in there, so I may just need to invest in a different colander. And that’s it!


Next time I make it I will use more mintl, I think I would like a stronger mint flavor, but it is oh so delicious and the perfect drink to sit outside in this gorgeous 70 degree weather we’ve been having!

xoxo, Tamara