Hi friends!
So this one is for all the mamas out there who have babies that only sleep for 30 minutes! I know I’m not alone! 30 minutes…exactly! It’s still blows my mind how Kerrington right on the dot wakes up! This has been her usual nap schedule since about 4 months.
Ya know that rule sleep when baby sleeps? Yea right.
I tried that a couple times, and I would finally wind down enough to fall asleep literally 4.5 minutes before she would wake up. Then I just feel groggy and end up with a headache.
There are random times that she does take a longer nap (once she napped for over 2 hours, we kept checking to make sure she was breathing because it was such a surprise!) but those are few and far between.
On good days I get 3 of these quiet moments to rest and refuel so that I can chase her around the house and keep her from putting everything in her mouth. 🙂
So I have make a choice. What do I spend the 30 minutes I get to myself on?
Read in my Bible, write in my prayer journal, work out, catch up on emails, lay down and watch a quick show on netflix, play on Pinterest, take a hot bath, and here lately I discovered the site Creativebug where there’s tons of videos teaching you how to do various arts and crafts things! It’s taking several days and nap times, but I’m slowly working my way through beginner watercolor.
30 minutes goes by fast so I usually can only pick one of the above.
I’d love to tell you I read in my Bible every nap time, but that just isn’t true. I do try to read through The First 5 app before she wakes up in the morning.
The first nap sometime around 830 or so I try to get my workout in (if I don’t do it early in the morning, I usually don’t do it). I use the Sweat with Kayla app, and it’s 4 7-minute circuits totally exactly 30 minutes as there are 30 seconds breaks in between each set. Y’all no joke, almost every time I hear her stir with 1 minute left on the last circuit. I can’t help but laugh it off because how does she do it?! However, I am always grateful to be able to complete it because I’m a better mama when I get my sweat on and work on releasing those endorphins. (although sometimes I pray she will wake up early because leg days killlll me!)
For the other two naps one usually happens in the car coming or going somewhere. We like to get out of the house even if we just go walk around Target!
I am trying to hardest to be far more intentional with nap time though. Instead of just scrolling aimlessly through Facebook or Instagram, I try to do things that make me feel good and accomplished.
Yesterday morning was extra long so I got a workout in, a whole shower (hello shaved legs!), some cleaning, reading in my Bible, and prayer journaling where I apologized and confessed that I put myself first instead of time in the Word.
And then I wrote this post during her second nap time!
So what do you mamas do during your little’s nap time?
xoxo, Tamara