Floral Fun in the Studio

Floral Fun in the Studio

Happy Tuesday y’all! So it’s incredibly hard not to want to buy everything I see when I go to my suppliers. Like, incredibly hard. You never know what kind of gorgeous textures and product they will have in those giant walk-in coolers. In this case, I...
Sunny Yellow for Thursday

Sunny Yellow for Thursday

Happy  Design Thursday! Yes, we have been sharing quite a few florals this week, and today for Design Thursday is no exception! I actually bought these roses and tulips at the grocery store the other day so decided to play with them for a funky, but still simple...
Oh hi there Monday!

Oh hi there Monday!

Happy Monday and March y’all! I love March, pretty much because it’s our anniversary month! We have a fun anniversary shoot schedule with Christa Elyce Photography Saturday and I couldn’t be more excited! This month is also the month everything...