Hi friends!

Image by Smith House Photography
It’s my birthday week! I’m turning the big 3-0 on Saturday! What?! When did this happen? I still feel like I should be in college! To celebrate this milestone I am sharing a few “30” related posts, and today I am sharing 30 things I want to do in life. A bucket list of sorts, if you will.
Let’s get to it:
- Celebrate 75 years of marriage with Kason.
- Raise and shepherd Kerrington’s heart to love Jesus.
- Travel to Israel and get baptized in the Jordan River. (chills, y’all. chills)
- Start a retirement fund. (Yikes, I have no retirement yet. But, thanks to Dave Ramsey and our local SmartVestor Pro he has assured us that we are in a good place getting rid of debt first!)
- Pay off my student loans.
- Pay cash for a car.
- Allow God to grow in me a giving heart. I want to be a giver, a selfless person who opens our home and cooks for others, and has no reservations of giving to others. Only God can change my heart towards this. I can’t, I’m too darn selfish. In the words of Dave Ramsey, “I want to live and give like no one else.”
- Be bold enough to share Jesus with strangers.
- To get to know our neighbors and invite them over for dinner or just an afternoon treat.
- Attend a floral workshop. (Floret and Holly Chapel are the top two I want to attend!)
- Establish a date night routine with Kason.
- Build out our carport area and turn it into a studio space for TMD.
- Split Kerrington’s schooling with homeschooling and private Christian schooling.
- Experience giving birth to our next baby via a VBAC.
- Learn how to garden.
- Travel to Ireland, Paris and Rome.
- Gain more mind and heart knowledge of God’s Word.
- Continue to memorize new scriptures.
- Go skydiving with Kason.
- Record legacy videos and write letters for Kason and Kerrington to have if something were to happen to me. We’ve both been procrastinating doing this.
- Take an Alaskan cruise. In the summer time.
- Take a family RV trip to various National Parks.
- Have a big family Thanksgiving in our front yard.
- Learn how to grow and care for roses, and plant several varieties along the fence line.
- Go on a mission trip with Kason and Kerrington.
- Pursue God’s plan and Kason’s heart for adoption.
- Raise Kerrington to have a heart for those who make or produce the items we buy. Teach her that our food comes from farmers who work hard with their hands to garden and raise the fruits, vegetables, and meat we eat each day.
- Camp in our front yard.
- Create a restful and peaceful master bedroom for K and I to enjoy and reconnect at the end of the day.
- Look back on my life with confidence that I loved and lived as close to Jesus as possible.
There ya have it! What’s something you want to do in life? I’d love to know!
xoxo, Tamara